The COPPA Book Awards- Criteria of Selection

The COPPA Book Awards is among Zambia’s most esteemed book recognition programs, renowned for their competitive nature and commitment to merit-based selection. The selection process unfolds as follows:

  1. Nomination Phase: Members of the public are encouraged to submit nominations for authors across various categories outlined by the board. Additionally, authors have the opportunity to self-nominate during this phase.
  2. Review and Nominee Announcement: The board meticulously reviews all entries and subsequently publishes a comprehensive list of nominees.
  3. Public Voting: Following this, the public is cordially invited to partake in the voting process to select the outstanding authors in each category. This segment constitutes 35% of the total votes necessary for a candidate to secure victory. The voting process will take place from February 29th to March 10th, 2024. Each vote carries a non-refundable cost of K2, payable via the MTN and Airtel Mobile Money systems. Votes not validated by a payment of K2 will be considered invalid and disqualified.
  4. Finalist Selection: Based on the votes received, the board identifies three authors from each category as award finalists. These finalists are then tasked with submitting hardcopies of their books for evaluation by a panel of esteemed judges. This segment constitutes the remaining 65% of the voting process.
  5. Award Ceremony: The pinnacle of the event culminates in a grand ceremony, where one finalist from each category is declared the winner, while those securing the second position are recognized as the first runners-up.