Terms and Conditions

Refund Policy

Zambian ARTS Publications may only refund you the money 60 days upon request, provided the following conditions are met.

  • Zambian ARTS Publications has acknowledged that it has failed to complete the project or submit it to you.
  • Silence from Zambian ARTS Publications for working days exceeding 14 after the project due date without notice.
  • Upon postponements amounting to a total of 21 working days from the project’s due date.

In no other condition shall Zambian ARTS Publications process a refund for any individual.

Terms of Publishing

Zambian ARTS Publications and its partners shall publish authors’ book projects under the following terms.

  • Work shall be done within a period of 21 working days, unless indicated otherwise.
  • Zambian ARTS Publications shall only cover works ordered and paid for by the client
  • Works shall only begin upon a full payment of a quoted amount.
  • In the event of an anticipated delay, Zambian ARTS Publications shall notify the client and apply for a period not exceeding 14 working days through reasonable means of communication.
  • The costs of sending and withdrawing money shall be covered by the client.
  • The costs of material transportation or procurement shall be covered by the client.

By making a payment or submitting the project, the client acknowledges and accepts these terms.